Running on the Beach



Good Evening Friends!

Summer Bucket List Item #8

Running on the Beach.
beach run


Are you a multitasker? If I told you that you could exfoliate your tootsies, wear a bikini, get in shape, and be on vacation all in the same sentence, wouldn’t you be enticed? The gig is running on the beach. It has become one of my new favorite things in LIFE!

For those of you who have difficulty with the MIND portion of mind, body, and sole*, you have got to put this on your bucket list ASAP. I know how challenging a run can be when you are having one of those… I. Just. Can’t. Go. Any. Farther!!!! moments. Believe me when I tell you that your thoughts will only become positive – the waves crashing on the shore and atmosphere at the beach will have you feeling great and going the distance!

Now, for those of you who are ready to get a more fit BODY, running is a fantastic tool! To change difficulty levels, try running in different types of sand. More compact sand occurs just before the waves end on the shore which is a bit easier and makes for a really solid run. If you want to feel like you are in a scene from Baywatch, run in the squishy sand where the water ripples on shore. You will cool off from the water splashing on your sun kissed skin and your feet will love the way the sand feels! For my friends who want a challenge, run in the soft sand that is a bit farther away from the water. This is much more difficult and really works your legs!

And, because I am just so clever…. for those of you who need to work on your SOLES*, running on the beach will give you the softest feet. Plus, you can save some major moola – Guuurrl, I am talking to you with the pedicured toes!!  Sand is a natural exfoliant and that salty ocean water aides as a natural healer for scars. Sounds like the perfect combo to me.

Mind, Body, and Sole ❤

Summer Bucket List 7/23: Cool off with Gelato!

Hey ladies and gents!

There are some things in life that are just plain magical. Gelato would be one of those things —- so magical, so powerful, that I swear the heavens opened and down came gelato on a white cloud …with one of those fun mini spoons… ready to be devoured!



If you haven’t tried gelato- pleeeaaasee add it to your *Summer Bucket List*! If you are very adventurous (you go girl), enjoy it in Italia like I am doing in this picture!

As my boyfriend and I were walking in the streets of Sorrento, we stopped at an open door where a man was making frozen drinks. When my boyfriend went to pay, he stopped and called out to me as if he had discovered a treasure trove! In many ways, he had!! It was a gelateria swarming with locals. I had to try the pistachio mixed with Toblerone in a cone!  It was the creamiest and richest gelato I ever had and it certainly cooled me off that Summer night!

Spread the magic with gelato!

Summer Bucket List 7/11: Read Yourself to Another Place

Good Evening! I put up a post with a Summer reading list last year, and it is that time again!


I love laying on a lounger with some iced tea and reading a book – just letting it take me to another place!

13 summer bookieThe books on my list to finish by the end of Summer are Big Girl Pants by Stephanie Evanovich – because every girl loves a “sassy and sexy” story!! I started Dear Girls Above Me by Charlie McDowell which so far, has totally like made me LOL… like so many times! Don’t judge me! That is just a taste of what the girls in this book sound like! I have a habit of dog earing pages that I like. Let’s just say this book already has a lot of folded down pages!! I finally got my hands on a 30% off copy of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn at Target. I am very excited to start reading this – I have heard nothing but awesome reviews. Lastly, I am rereading the Hunger Games books before Catching Fire comes out in November.

Please join me in doing some Summer reading. If you have recommendations, I read about 3 at once (one for bedtime, one for outside time, and one for stationary bicycle time), so bring it on!!

To a good read and exploring new places ❤


Summer Bucket List 7/9: Have a Meal Outdoors

Hey everybody! I hope your 4th of July celebration was filled with family, friends, sunshine, fireworks, great food, and a cocktail…or two….


This is a fairly simple item on my bucket list this Summer. I don’t know about you, but if I do not get outside, I feel like the day has been wasted! I’m drawn to sunshine, fresh air, and I like my Vitamin Deeeeeeee! Today, I had a late lunch of leftovers on my balcony while responding to emails. (Praise The Lord for the gift of the iPhone) It was not as relaxing as I had hoped, but it still put a smile on my face and on my food baby’s face too! hahaha

13 summer lunch

Some things I should warn “the indoor” breed of girls about before attempting, this “outdoor eating idea”:

1) A fly may or may not land on you, near you, or in your food. A swatting motion will solve your problems. If your throat burns or you hear a strange buzzing inside of your ear, honey, it’s too late.

2) If you live by the shore, a crazed seagull could, quite possibly steal food from you. The Jersey shore birds, I think, were cross-bred with the honey badger because they don’t care, they will scoop an entire weenie right off of a flame-filled grill, then fly backwards….

3) If it is really hot, and sweat wasn’t invited to the party, make yourself a frozen margarita. However, if you are a working girl, make sure the alcoholic beverages are kept for after work hours. 😉

4) And on a serious note, if grilling or throwing a bash for a group, keep perishable foods below 40 degrees. Food covers and nets are always a must to keep bugs out! Also, use separate dishes and utensils when cooking meats and fish. Food can go bad, become cross-contaminated, or worse…bacteria can fester and it’s only downhill from there!

To the great outdoors and food babies ❤

Summer Bucket List 7/1: Mani Pedi

Hello!!!! I have missed all of my blogging friends and it has been far too long! I can’t believe I started this Bucket List idea last summer and here we are in the Summer of 2013! I missed doing this sooooo much 🙂

13 summer mani pedi


I would say there are two preparatory regimens that a woman must do before her first Summer get away. 1) is getting in shape for dreaded bikini shopping and 2) is getting a mani/pedi. Since I was going to the Mediterranean, I grabbed several exciting Victoria’s Secret bathing suites, which of course gave me the most interesting of tan lines and did it up with “Cajun Shrimp” by OPI on my fingernails and my toenails. Getting manicures and pedicures are so relaxing and always put a smile on my face…Plus, if your Vietnamese pedicurist laughing as hard as you do when they tickle your feet during the exfoliation process doesn’t make your day, I don’t know what would! Long story short,  I was ready for flip flops in Capri and seashell rings. * By the way, feeling like Ariel while wearing my seashell ring with coral colored nails was a priceless experience! *

So knock this off your bucket list, if you haven’t already!!

To ticklish feet and manicured nails



Summer Checklist : Day 28

Still enjoying that Summer heat? There’s only 28 days left!!

ITEM 4 : Take me out to the ball game!

Have you gone to a baseball game yet this year? If not, there is still time left in this season. You can tailgate with friends, enjoy some great food (cheese steaks if you are a Phillies Phan), or go on a giveaway night! I got a bobble head and the Phanatic threw free hot dogs into the crowd! What sounds better than catching a flying weenie?

Represent the home team