Running on the Beach



Good Evening Friends!

Summer Bucket List Item #8

Running on the Beach.
beach run


Are you a multitasker? If I told you that you could exfoliate your tootsies, wear a bikini, get in shape, and be on vacation all in the same sentence, wouldn’t you be enticed? The gig is running on the beach. It has become one of my new favorite things in LIFE!

For those of you who have difficulty with the MIND portion of mind, body, and sole*, you have got to put this on your bucket list ASAP. I know how challenging a run can be when you are having one of those… I. Just. Can’t. Go. Any. Farther!!!! moments. Believe me when I tell you that your thoughts will only become positive – the waves crashing on the shore and atmosphere at the beach will have you feeling great and going the distance!

Now, for those of you who are ready to get a more fit BODY, running is a fantastic tool! To change difficulty levels, try running in different types of sand. More compact sand occurs just before the waves end on the shore which is a bit easier and makes for a really solid run. If you want to feel like you are in a scene from Baywatch, run in the squishy sand where the water ripples on shore. You will cool off from the water splashing on your sun kissed skin and your feet will love the way the sand feels! For my friends who want a challenge, run in the soft sand that is a bit farther away from the water. This is much more difficult and really works your legs!

And, because I am just so clever…. for those of you who need to work on your SOLES*, running on the beach will give you the softest feet. Plus, you can save some major moola – Guuurrl, I am talking to you with the pedicured toes!!  Sand is a natural exfoliant and that salty ocean water aides as a natural healer for scars. Sounds like the perfect combo to me.

Mind, Body, and Sole ❤

Define EDM


avicii twoHey Lovelies,

Bucket List Item #6

Go to an EDM Concert!

Bucket List Item #7

Go to an Outdoor Concert!

Well, Mama killed 2 birds with 1 stone by seeing Avicii at an outdoor venue in Virginia.

So… what is EDM? Sounds a whole lot like a disease if you ask me. Even though I would consider EDM to be contagious, spreading across festival season this year, it’s just Electronic Dance Music! Fear Not Friends! I might say that EDM has side effects as well. Get ready to be blinded by neon outfits – to be sweated from dancing in the summer heat – to be exhausted from spontaneous jumping. But the most common side effect is smiling!

So smile, dance, be…. electric? Yeahhhh!! ❤




Hott Girls Drive Mauve Corollas

Hello Friends!!

Summer Bucket List Day 5!

One of the greatest purchases of all time was my mauve ’98 Toyota Corolla. Two thousand Dollars at the age of 16 – 267,000 miles driven in that bad boy – millions of winks despite poor aesthetics – all add up to hundreds of hours spent having fun on the road and not getting a new car till I am almost 26 years old! I have wanted a RAV4 for years so it was a long time coming. I was pretty sad to see my baby go but my Limited Edition, push to start whip is great and was definitely celebration-worthy. Such a milestone deserves an Aperol Spritz & Cheesecake Factory.

This isn’t just something to cross off on the Summer Bucket List – this really is one for the books!



























Hott Girls make the most of their milestones ❤


One Hot Run

My friends! Today, I am not talking about looking hot while running (wish I was), I am talking about how to suit up for a run on a hot day!

This marks Summer Bucket List Day 3!!











A major part of my bucket list will always be to run as frequently as possible. Dressing the part isn’t always easy when it is humid and in the 90s all day LONG!! I do have a good rule of thumb, though the dorkier, the comfier. This rule does not just apply to running in extreme weather, it also applies to pajamas, slippers, sweatpants, & novelty t-shirts.

So, what do I typically wear in the heat on the trail? –Athletic socks, trail runner sneaks (mama needs the traction), a padded sports bra (yeah, I am a lady), a breathable and bright tank, a cap, sunscreen, bug spray (if you even knew the amount of bugs that have drowned in my sweat, died upon impact, & are in my belly, you’d be terrified), and “deo” for BO (just kidding about the BO, remember, I am a lady). And… my new, fav, dorky accessory- the towel I wrap around my neck!

Let me know about your tips for running!

Stay cool runner babes ❤



Summer 2014 Reading List

Good Evening my friends! I wanted to share my 3rd Annual Summer Reading List *milestone* with you all!

Bucket List Day 2!!!











The list:

1) Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (I actually finished this today!) had me jumping out of my seat several times during this book. I highly recommend this jaw-dropping, psycho, page-turner. Read it before it is turned into a big screen flick!

2) Psychos by Babe Walker -So, while we are on the subject of psychos…I am expecting this book to be just as hilarious as Babe Walker’s first book, White Girl Problems!

3) A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin which is the first book of a series for which Game of Thrones on HBO is based. I basically want to be Daenerys and say that I have at least read and enjoyed one “high fantasy epic novel” in my lifetime!  *nerd moment*

4) My Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty is a book that was recommended for Summer Reading last year by my PopSugar app! That is how I heard about White Girl Problems and Dear Girls Above Me by Charlie McDowell – both were incredible.

5) Bridget Jones – Mad About the Boy by Helen Fielding – I am certain this will satisfy my love of Bridget Jones’ comical diary entries and British humor

Read on girlies! ❤

I Feel Alive – It’s Summertime!

Hello Lovelies – it’s June 21st! ((First Official Day of Summer))

Day 1!!!!!

I have been waiting for this day since… last Summer! Unfortunately, it has been a rather overcast day in NJ, but via audio delight, I will bring you the sunshine and warmth of which you have been craving!!







Enjoy classic Summer tunes and new era jams! Let me know your thoughts because…. *drum roll please* … it is time for daily blog entries about my Summer Bucket List! Get ready for new adventures, risky business, and a whole lotta FUN!

Catch you all tomorrow!


Tune Up During an Ice Storm

Hello again! Happy Hump Day. For those of you in the Northeast hit by crazy ice last night and today, I feel ya – I really do!
My day consisted of dodging fallen trees on icy roads, mooching power and wifi off of Panera to work, not showering (and eating the Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich -didn’t hold the onions – don’t judge), and thanking God for batteries and BB cream so that I looked somewhat presentable today. One thing that kept me sane today was some good tunes. Here’s a playlist to help you chill out and tune up!

Stay chilly, silly ❤

Capture chilly



Stella and Dot Spring Preview

Hi Friends! It is time for a “Trendy Tuesday” Post. OOO AHHH! 

stella trend 1

I don’t know about you – but I am *UHBsessed* with haul videos and posts right now. I am thinking of putting together a haul for the incredible Spring line from Stella & Dot. We have launched these items to the public <<if you are in the Philadelphia area, comment to this post to learn how you can have your own Stellabration and get some of these items for FREEEEEEEE>><<or shop my site: >>

stella trend 2

In the meantime, covet over these bad boys and take in our Trend Report:

1) Brilliant Brights *hint hint see that golden/citrine necklace!?*

2) Gilden Fringe —> stay tuned for next week’s haul to see sexy, hand sewn fringe details<—

3) Floral Rocker >> feminine flowers + edgy details is soooo in right now!<<

4) The NEW Pearls ~~mixing contemporary designs with vintage gold and layers of pearls~~

5) Perf-ection {} Perforated materials are hottt in everything from Fashion to Interior Design! Just wait until you see some of the hand-punched perf fabrics {}

Today is the day for a Stellabration ❤

Things You Learn When You’re in Breckenridge

Hi Everyone! So sorry for my absence! Things have been nuts over here. But, I am snowed in on the East Coast and I am ready to blog again!

snowshoeI just got back last week from an amazing work trip to Colorado. We stayed in a massive resort home and I had a ton of fun checking a few things off of my bucket list! I went skiing (hilariously bad at that sport), snowmobiling to see the Continental Divide, and snowshoeing in search of woodland creatures (much more my speed). Here are some of the things I learned rather quickly while in “Breck”.

1) As neat as it seems to see a moose (or hear them hiccup), they are wayyyyy bigger than you think and they will ATTACK!

2) Unlike the East Coast, snow plowing and salting is not a necessity. Before you know it, you can walk on ice. Biking down an icy mountain in the dark (yes I did see this) would not be something to try.

3) You’re much closer to the sun (lol). Let’s say 9,000′ – 11,000′ above sea level – wear sunscreen and goggles.

4) Blue Slopes (AKA Intermediate Slopes) are like Black Diamonds back home…. that’s right, I was terrified.

5) Wearing snow boots or duck boots is awesome and essentially goes with everything. I am wishing that it was socially acceptable to wear my Cabela’s duck boots everywhere back here in Philly.

6) Tele girls are much cooler than all of the other girls on the slopes…apparently. (RULE 6.5: Telemarking is a downhill style of skiing where your heel picks up and involves lunging for stops and turns, etc. -Similar to cross country skiing.)

7) Your thirst will never be quenched.

8) Touring an ice castle is pure *magic*.

9) The woods and ski lifts are the most quiet places ever. So much more relaxing than I ever dreamt!

10) Last but not least, silk long johns are God-send!

These boots are made for walkin’ (on ice) ❤